
If you haven’t, create a superuser with the Django createsuperuser command. Login with the admin user, and select Drips to manage them. You will be able to:

  • View created drips.

  • Create a new drip.

  • Select and delete drips.

Create Drip

Click on the ADD DRIP + button to create a new Drip. In the creation you need to define the email that you want to send, and the queryset for the users that will receive it. To see more details, click here.

View timeline of a Drip

In the django admin, you can select a drip and then click on the VIEW TIMELINE button to view the emails expected to be sent with the corresponding receivers:

View timeline

Message class

By default, Django Drip creates and sends messages that are instances of Django’s EmailMultiAlternatives class. If you want to customize in any way the message that is created and sent, you can do that by creating a subclass of EmailMessage and overriding any method that you want to behave differently. For example:

from django.core.mail import EmailMessage
from drip.drips import DripMessage

class PlainDripEmail(DripMessage):

    def message(self):
        if not self._message:
            email = EmailMessage(self.subject, self.plain, self.from_email, [self.user.email])
            self._message = email
        return self._message

In that example, PlainDripEmail overrides the message property of the base DripMessage class to create a simple EmailMessage instance instead of an EmailMultiAlternatives instance.

In order to be able to specify that your custom message class should be used for a drip, you need to configure it in the DRIP_MESSAGE_CLASSES setting:

    'plain': 'myproj.email.PlainDripEmail',

This will allow you to choose in the admin, for each drip, whether the default (DripMessage) or plain message class should be used for generating and sending the messages to users.

Send Drips

To send the created and enabled Drips, run the command:

python manage.py send_drips

You can use cron to schedule the drips.